Tuesday, November 20, 2012


WOOHOO. The night before last was CRAZY. We were first in line. Sat there for 4 hours. Got the copy, got free shit. We rushed home and...TRANZIT. Zombies DOES have a Theatre tool so believe you me..videos will be coming up on here soon...

This is us minutes before getting our copies, I'm the one in the red hat. I don't know what the hell I was doing but it looks like someone punched my eye. ANYWAYS. We get out Shirts, posters, we walk into the store...over to the counter...and the guy hands us the first game off the stack. It's perfect. Serene. Crisp. Just beautiful. We all got turns touching it. It had finally happened. We left, and rushed home as soon as humanly possible. When we got there, we opened it as neatly as possible...opened it slowly..softly places it into the xbox...and waited for it to load. And then OH MY GOD. You can tell they had some high-end people to make the storyline of the game, because the opening scene makes you want to cry. The main menu isn't interactive like the first one. It would've been fun too, but it's not really that important. They totally bring it down to basics. There are 3 buttons. Campaign. Multiplayer. And Zombies. Both Zombies and Multiplayer are equipped with CODcasting. And Zombies allowed 4 player split screen. Which isn't very high-tech but Tuesday morning it helped us all play. First thought of Zombies. Fucking bad-ass. I do think they should have used some different maps for Survival..Tranzit is a little confusing, and online, if not everyone is on board with everything, it can be a serious pain. There are a bunch of parts every where and several workbenches. Bring the parts to the work benches and you can built awesome stuff like power generators for special doors, and Zombie-Riot shields. At one point you even have to BUILD a power switch, complete with a zombie hand. I was in the middle of doing this when suddenly I was dissconnected from Xbox live which pissed the living hell out of me. The Zombies platform is on a whole world and you unlock more hemispheres as you go through Tranzit, but you have to play on Original difficulty, as Dr. Maxis says when you start up the screen. It appears that the original characters do not make a return in this game, the new characters appear to be Samatha, Some dorky nerdy hipster looking genius, a big black bearded dude who I heard saying something about being a wrestler.. and another guy who I haven't heard any quotes from at all. (UPDATE: Nevermind. More Tranzit maps are DLCs. Bullllllshiiiit.) Well. You have to build the Pack-A-Punch machine. And the new Wondergun, the Jet Gun. It's like the ThunderGun. But it sucks in zombies instead of blowing them away. Haven't made it yet. I've only made the Turbine, Gun turret, Zombie Shield and Electric trap. Tranzit has been rough for me. Doesn't confide within the same zombie rules as I used to know it. BUT. The new perk machine is SICK shit. So. You buy it. You already have Jugg, Speed, and Double Tap. 2 P.A.P.ed guns. You buy this perk called "TombStone", And it's really only good with several people....I'm actually not sure how it works solo. But, you go down. You hold X. You die, drop a 'Tombstone' power up,  you go away, but next round. You come back with ALL your guns and perks after you grab it where you died, except tombstone of course. It's only 2000 points! Hell of a deal, right? Except since you use it, the people who are left have to be good enough to finish the round so you can come back. If they aren't good enough, you may just have to be revived, sacrificing your perks. More info soon! Having a hard time getting time to play!

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