Monday, October 29, 2012

Why didn't I do that before?!?!

Sooooooooooooooo...I was playing Moon. Kicking ass. Wave gun. Lamentation. My Dad had the Ray Gun, R115 Resonator, Aug, Gersche Device. So we're circling the Bio-Dome, as always. It's my main spot because it can support zombie trains for several people. So. I have like 40,000 points. Carpenter pops up. Well. That's stupid. What to do? Make your teammate throw those Gersche devices, hack that carpenter and eat that Max Ammo up. It's 5000 points to hack..but if you have a shit-load of money, and you keep making profit every's worth it. The one problem is you have to do it right away. When you hack it, it doesn't become a NEW power up. So if you hack it when it has only a few seconds left, the Max Ammo will only have a few seconds there. So get it while it's hot! Hacking Max Ammo makes Fire Sale...Which unless you have 4 people, and they're all doing terrible...there isn't really any point to it. If you have enough money to hack it, you have enough money for a gun. So. Start off on Moon. Knife, knife, knife, knife, knife, uh-oh, they're fast now. Run up to the teleporter. By now you should have at least 1500 points. The first few dogs and zombies to walk up the small set of stairs are one-knife kill. So take that to your advantage, too. The teleporter takes longer than you think. And those of you Kino/Der Reise lovers, the teleport does NOT kill zombies. I've had my whole team die in it before. So, land on Moon, grab the P.E.S. and stay for about 5 rounds, knifing, shooting. Avoid throwing grenades. If you can keep from breaking the windows, it will make it easier for you OR your teammate to come back and hack the excavators later. Make as much money as possible, and then buy out of there, go down the stairs, and again, last as long as possible, then buy out through the door that has the Olympia, and keep moving. The next rooms until the power do not bode well to stay in. As soon as you get to the power, turn it on, and if the box is there, have a teammate protect you (If he/she has say an M16 or Stakeout) and get 2 somewhat good guns. You can stay here for a while, and then move onto the lab sections. While running through, take the hacker, and get out quickly. These rooms spawn gas/phase zombies if you're in them. Get to the Bio-Dome, or by Mule kick if that's your way of playing. Don't buy the door in between the teleporter and Bio-Dome until completely necessary. Circle, make money, get perks, teleport back when you have a crawler, etc, etc...then after you have a good chunk of money (or if someone else does) and good guns, keep circling, and hack power-ups for Max Ammo. At least 2 power-ups appear each round, so don't feel too obligated to hack every time if you aren't making any points. This works better with someone nearby who has a Gersche. They can throw these, enabling you to hack easily and they get them back straight away. Don't ever leave the Bio-Dome unless you only have a few crawlers left. If everyone has Quick-Revive and you stay nearby, they can save you in the blink of an eye.

I have yet to do the Moon Easter Egg, but I want to get it done before the new Black Ops comes out. . . .

Thursday, October 25, 2012

New Black Ops upon us, my brothers!

In 19 days, the new game shall be here! My plans are to be there for the release. Then break every speed law known to man to get back home and play the Zombie-Fuck out of it. BUT WHAT TO PLAY? Tranzit looks fuuunn..but you gotta love the circles of the good ol' Survival mode. But Grief...? Now you don't have to be a team, fuck those guys who don't revive you! You're going to show them who's got the better zombie-ass kicking powers! (By the way guys don't get in my way during one of those games) Fuuuuuuuuuuck. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck. JUST RELEASE IT ALREADY. I'VE BEEN TRAINING CONSTANTLY. I HAVE GAINED YOUR APPROVAL MY MASTERS. JUST LET ME KILL MORE ZOMBIES. I've lost my mind. Just totally. By the way, got a new record on Five. And CotD. And Nacht. But Nacht is a bitch. No perks or PaP. They should remake it, with just P.A.P. That'd be the fucking bomb. Ka-Boom. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...I'll be playing toniiight...hit me uppppp, ZoMbItChEs.

Monday, October 8, 2012


Sorry for the lack of post, my dear readers. Simply waiting for the new game! A little over a month now....come on! Come on...