Thursday, June 21, 2012


I've heard of yoteslaya a lot, I hear he's a damn good zombies player. I watched his round 40 on Moon, and I have to say that's pretty impressive seeing that it was the DAY is came out. Or next. However long he played. But to tell you the truth, I couldn't STAND the fact he kept calling the Pack-A-Punched Law the "Awful Lawton" That's the crossbow. Drove me nuts. I'm a little whiny. Still would be awesome to have a Moon game with him.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bad Day

So I was at my dad's playing some zombies, and I swear to god Xbox Live was trying to screw me over. I was playing ascension, and we all left the Centrifuge room at round 6. I didn't have a mic, and everybody else apparently knew each other. They were going "Oh great, that faggot doesn't have a mic. Whatever, there isn't anything important on this map anyways." I bought all the way to the box. I got the Famas, and Ballistic Knives. Nobody else hit the box. I bought downstairs, bought Juggernog, and then I realized ALL of them were down. They had stayed back, fighting round 6 zombies with M19lls. And as I ran out to save them they were laughing "The FAMAS? HA!" But they had used too many goddamn grenades that there were literally a thousand crawlers on the ground. I shot what was in my way, and while reloading, I got trapped between 3 zombies walking up the stairs to the landing pad. ROUND SIX. OMFG. I was so pissed. And then I played Ascension again, we were on round 25, I had 30000 points, a Ray Gun, a ThunderGun, and a Pack-a-Punched RPK. The host quit. I was furious. My dad's internet is just terrible, so trying to get a game set up in the first place is impossible. At one point, I was in the same lobby for the start of six games, and EVERY TIME, the host was quitting to screw with everyone. So my zombie playing wasn't so great for that day. I did have a good game on Der Reise, but I went down stupidly in the Animal Testing area, running up the stairs. Luckily, my friend was behind me, and I had the ray gun. I shot all the zombies around him away. He went down. I was like WTF. I need some good zombie players! Every time I look at the leaderboards, and it's got some awesome people with high rounds, I'm like "Hell yea! This game is going to be good!" It disconnects me. And it finally works when all the people I'm playing with are 8 years old and complaining about my gameplay. WHEN THEY'RE ALL DOWN. Please send a request if you're a good gamer. I'd greatly enjoy a new record-setting game.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Zombie All-Nighter

I was playing rather late the other night, and had the luckiest, longest Der Reise game. I didn't get to my highest round, but the game was so long that it seemed like it was. It must have been 4 hours long. For the first 5 rounds, playing as Richtofen (My personal favorite), we stayed in the first room, until someone bought through to the rooms with the Double Barreled shotgun and Thompson. By then I had 8000 points, and I immediately bought up the stairs, someone dropped down and started the power as I ran across the bridge to get to Juggernog. I hit the box twice. I got the Wunderwaffe-DG 2 and Monkey Bombs. By round round 18, I had 35000 points, with every perk, Wunderwaffe, Commando, and Ray Gun.  I didn't end up having to use the monkey bombs until round 27, when one teammate went down. At one point, in the room with the MP40 (Teleporter A), I saw someone do a glitch. He jumped from the stairs, into the wall, and was suspended there, and was invulnerable to attack. I watched the 2 barriers with my Commando while he shot whatever came through the door with his Pack-A-Punched Ray Gun. I did this for several rounds until I was overwhelmed and had to go back into the teleporter and leave. That game was very efficient because every single player had their own circle point. One was circling the mainframe, one was sitting in the glitch, making a massive amount of money, one was circling the Bowie Knife area, and I circled by Double Tap until having to drop down, then I started sniping from the top of the stairs at teleporter B with the D115 Dissembler. In the end, one player's internet went out, and the other 2 went down near teleporter A, and, with my last 2 monkeys, I battled for at least 5 minutes, stuck in that room, using all of my Wunderwaffe, Ray Gun, and D115 ammo, in an effort to save them. Then I looked at the clock, realized it was 3 am, and decided I should sleep. 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Ascension Strategy

As seen in the map, I had a very good run yesterday playing ascension this way, easily getting to round 31. The ledge is a good point to wait as long as possible, because zombies can't climb up it. You can sit here for a moment, and then jump down. It's a good idea to have either a Thundergun or Ray Gun, because on occasion you can have bad luck and land on a newly spawned zombie. Once falling down, run as quickly to the bottom right-hand arrow. Then you can run back up, shooting with an HK21 or RPK, bringing in a lot of points. Or you could do the train-slaughter way, circling repeatedly until all zombies on the map are following you, and then blowing them all up with the Thundergun. I usually do this with Jug, Speed, Stamin Up and PHD.


SO. Me and my dad were playing Moon, and we were totally doing awesome. We had Jug on round 6, rocking the HK21 and MP5k, I unfortunately forgot what he was using. But I was circling the Bio-dome, he was circling the rock next Mule Kick. He was using his Gersch Devices on a frequent basis (Not a favorite circling area for me). Around round 15, I pack-a-punched the MP5k, not the best weapon, but I could buy ammo for it just outside the biodome if needed. But this was the first time I was completely successful at stopping all of the drills from smashing into the side of tunnel 11 and the Bio-dome. I was having a pretty good game. But it was late, and my mother was about to pick me up. We decided we could finish our game before leaving to meet her. Guys, if you want to be a pro, just have something else that you REALLY need to do, and you won't ever die. We got to round 23 and we decided there was no way we could survive much longer. Then I got the wave gun, my dad got the ray gun, we both went and pack-a-punched them (Also a first for me pack-a-punching the wave gun) and we lasted forever, we finally had to leave, so we decided to sit in the worst room ever for a fun, ammo wasting last stand. We even TRIED to die. We didn't we lasted a whole other round on 24 sitting by the rock running about dodging and shooting as many rounds as possible. I finally went down next to the box, stuck on the edge, and out of ray gun and AUG and gersch devices, so did my dad. We so could have lasted until round 50 with that. If only I could have had a little bit more time....the next time I'm over at my dad's I'll be running a livestream of our gameplay. If you want to join, just comment, and I'll send you the link when it comes time. I'll also post the link on the blog page. If you want to be part of the game, just send me a request, and I'll stream our game together!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Kino Der Toten Easter Egg Song

To start Treyarch's easter egg song, you'll need to find all three pieces of Element 115. The first one is in the beginning room, next to the barrier underneath the stairs, it will be in a glass display. Just walk up to it. You can tell you're near a piece if you hear a slight ringing. Hold X. The next one is in the room with the MP5k, and is on another pedestal, but has no glass covering. It's back near the barrier that leads to nowhere, right next to the wall gun. Walk up and press X. For the last one, go to the room above the alley. Next to the window, looking over the alley, right next to the barrier, is a bunches of letters on the ground, and shelves. On the bottom row of shelves will be the last piece. Activate this last one to enjoy Elena Seigman's '115'

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Basics: Kino Der Toten

Kino Der Toten Map

For those just starting Zombies, Kino is the perfect starter level. I recommend playing 2 player with someone who is a little bit better, because going down on 2 player is not as annoying because someone can revive you, and the more the merrier! (If you read this walkthrough and cannot get a good mental image, there is always a map, scroll down. Anything you don't understand reading through is explained at the bottom.)

 The first room has 4 barriers where the zombies break through. For a maximum amount of point intake, shoot the zombies exactly 4 times, then knife once for each zombie. On round two use the same tactic, just 4 more bullets and maybe one more knife. On round three you can prematurely throw grenades in to kill them off, on round 3 is when it gets just a little bit more difficult. There are 2 weapons on the walls in this first room that you can buy. They are drawn in chalk, and when you walk up to them, you can hold X to buy it. If you run out of ammo on a wall gun, you can go back and buy ammo for cheaper than the price of the gun. In the first room is the M14 and Olympia (Both 500 points). The M14 is a rifle with 8 bullets per clip. The Olympia is a shotgun with 2 bullets per reload. In terms of skill, most beginning zombie players choose the Olympia. In the first 5 rounds, a direct shot to the face is a definite kill, and most like it for the close up protection. The M14 is used by those a little bit better, and if you're a good enough shot, you can sit at the barriers and shoot directly at the heads of the zombies, gaining 100 points. It's more popular for a bigger clip, and faster reload than the Olympia. 

After round 3, it is usually best to start moving on. There are 2 doors in the beginning room. One down stairs, to the left, and one upstairs, to the right. The more popular way to go is to the right. Mostly because of better guns and room layouts. Going through the upstairs door, you'll find a square-ish room with a small hallway to a room that's a very small loop. Like the last room, there are 4 ways for the zombies to come in. But this time, 2 of the ways cannot be boarded, and they can come in whenever. Over to the left of the square part of the room, walking in, there is sight of the stage. Here is one of the places that cannot be boarded. Right next to this point, on the wall, is the PM63. It is very effective at killing zombies, but it's ammo amount and clip size are quite sad, and it is rarely used. Most camp out in the room with the loop. Here, zombies can fall out of the hole in the ceiling, and come out of the barrier behind you. Having a teammate to defend the barrier behind and you shoot straight on as they pour through is usually the best way to go about playing in this room. Moving onto the next room, whether after gaining enough money or being overwhelmed by zombies, you move on through the next door, going down short zigzag stairs, and move into the next room. For future reference, the tiny room with stair IS a death trap. It is very easy to be overwhelmed and killed in that room. Never camp in that room. 

Dog Rounds
Dog rounds appear every 6-7 rounds, and contain no classic zombies. These rounds only contain hell hounds. The dogs do not come out of barriers, they appear almost the same way as teleporting. With 2 players, usually 4 at a time teleport at once. Every time a dog is killed, a new one will teleport on the map nearby. You can tell another has joined in if your remote rumbles or you hear a thunder clap. Dogs are very weak to shotguns and any Wonder Weapons, and also Bowie Knife. At the end of a dog round, the last killed hell hound will drop a Max Ammo Power-up (Explained later) 

The room at the bottom of the stairs is rather wide, and has a table with a gun turret, and a large soda machine carrying Speed Cola. Neither of those can be used at this time, because the power is not yet on. This room has 2 guns. The MP40 and the Stakeout. The MP40 is a sub machine gun with a medium clip size and ammo amount. It is chosen by most, and is a very effective weapon even in later rounds. The Stakeout is a shotgun, with a medium clip and ammo amount, but does not become as effective as the MP40 in later rounds, but is very effective on the first round of dogs, which is usually played out in this room. This room has 3 barriers, one upstairs, and 2 downstairs. One person usually stands at the top of the stairs, holding off the zombie attack, and the other downstairs, shooting them as they come up to the barrier.          (TIP: This isn't a sure glitch, but a tactic me and a friend have on this level is that in the first room, if you hold out until round 3, and leave on round 4, without buying a gun, and then buy straight into this room, the Mystery box is here 80% of the time)               

 Moving onto the next room. This room has the MP5K, a small sub machine gun with a little more than medium ammo and clip amount. This gun is a personal favorite of mine, but is not altogether that powerful. It's only good until about round 13. This room is terrible, I have died many times in this room. Zombies come out of 3 barriers, and the barriers from the last room are very close by, making it a very bad camp room. The best way to use this room is to sit by the next door and shoot at all incoming zombies until you are overwhelmed, then buy the door and run backwards shooting. 

This is the stage. In this room there are 2 barriers, the M16, and claymores. The M16 is quite powerful in the early rounds, as it is one of the only assault rifles that can be bought off the wall. This is also where the power is. Some people stay on the stage without turning on the power, because as soon as the power is turned on, the crawler zombies crawl down from the ceiling. When killed, these fall over and explode. In the early rounds, the explosion is sometimes enough to bring down a full zombie right on top of it, or make it a stumpy (without legs). These "Gas zombies" will make a thick green smoke that works like a concussion grenade. But without the power, all the Perk Colas, will be unable to be bought. 

When the power is turned on by holding X, the stage curtains will open up, revealing the seats. This is the most open area in the level, and in the far south west corner, there is Juggernog, the single most important Perk. Without it, zombies can take you down with 2 hits. Juggernog makes it so you wont go down without at least 7 hits. The small patch of area where Juggernog is is a dead end, and a death trap. Make sure you go for Juggernog when you are not being pursued by a large group of zombies. Right next to Juggernog is Bowie Knife. It's an investment, at 3000 points, but it replaces your knife, and is extremely powerful. Until round 10, the Bowie Knife is 1 knife kill, and until round 13 it is 1 knife kill for Gas zombies.  

Turning on the power opens up a door that was in the beginning room, and it is near the back of the theater, and allows you to loop back all the way through the map again. All around the map, in at least every room, is a crude map of the level. There are lights on the map in every room. The light turns on for wherever the box is on the level. In most cases, I've found the box to be in the "Alley" which is the other way around the map. 

If you were to go the other way, you would instead go to the left door in the starting room. This leads you to a small room with 2 barriers, and contains the MPL. The MPL is a submachine gun, with medium clip and ammo amount. It's quite effective against zombies in the early rounds, but is not so great later, unless you are very low on points and ammo. You can stay in this room as long as needed, and then move onto the "Alley". Walking straight through the door, you will immediately see the perk "Double Tap Root Beer".  The alley has 2 barriers, but zombies occasionally drop from the ceiling in this area. This room has the AK-47u, another submachine gun with little ammo, and a high rate of fire. 

You can stay in this room for as long as needed, holding off near the door, and then buying up into the next room. This room is probably one of the worst rooms in the game, small, no guns, 2 barriers, and both doors leading out to staircases, which are very narrow and easy to get stuck and killed on. 

Buying through to the next door leads you down a tall staircase, and takes you back to the stage, on the other side of where you came in to turn the power on at the beginning. After this, every door in the map will have been opened. Now the Crown Jewel of Kino. On the east side of stage, quite hard not to see really, is a teleporter. It's big, blue, and has lots of tubes in it. To operate this, you have to step inside, hold X, and then run back to the beginning room, where you may have noticed a big pad on the ground, glowing the same way the teleporter does. You step on this, hold X, and the teleporter is ready for operation whenever you step into it. You run back, and step inside. In most cases players camp as long as possible, shooting in every direction. As soon as they are overwhelmed, they hold X, and lightning covers the screen, killing all the zombies around you, and teleporting you to the Projection Room. 

This room has no barriers, no doors, and contains Grenades and Pack-A-Punch. The wide window in the front of the room looks over the theater and stage. Zombies can not hurt you here, and you are perfectly safe, (unless you blow yourself up with a grenade) for about a minute. This gives you enough time to use the Pack-A-Punch device. This, if you have 5000 points and a gun you like, takes your gun, and gives it a major upgrade. It makes it much more powerful, and in most cases attaches an underbarrel attachment and makes your gun shoot red laser-like bullets. Doing this will change the sound of your shots, making them sound like a ray gun. 

After one minute, the lightning will appear again. You will be teleported to a random small room for only about 5 seconds. There are only about 4 of these rooms, one being Samantha's Bedroom, another being a Zombied Version of her room, an office in the Pentagon, and a doctor's operating room. There are no zombies in any of these rooms. After five seconds, the lightning returns, and teleports you onto the pad in the starting room.

When returning, all the zombies will have been eagerly waiting your arrival in the theater, and will begin to pour into the starting room from straight ahead. The is the perfect time to pull out a machine gun, and shoot straight through the door, and rack up a huge amount of points. This can only be done for about 20 seconds though, because eventually the zombies start to come out from the barriers behind you, and you have to loop around the map again.

After teleporter use, it takes about 3 minutes for the teleported to cool down, and then you can re-link it, and use it again. This is a common strategy, looping around the map, and using the teleporter for short breaks. Now you can play anyway you want, in any room, anyway you want. For a visual of this guide, here is the Kino Der Toten Map. (Note: This is not mine, and I do not claim copyrights on this image.)

Now, for all the fun stuff!

The Mystery Box.
This box contains a massive amount of guns. For only 950 points, you gamble. You could either get the best gun from it, or a worthless pistol. The box does not give out wall guns. It does not contain all the guns that are in Black Ops Multiplayer, but contains a good percentage of them. There are spots all of the map for the box to be. Every time you start a new game, it'll be somewhere else. If you buy the box, it'll shuffle through all the guns, and stop on one. You can either take it or leave it. If you leave it, it'll take about 15 seconds, and then the gun will go away, and you or someone else can spin again. If you get the Teddy Bear, it will give you the 950 back, and the box will float up into the air, disappear, and then move to another location on the map.

There are 5 Perk-A-Colas on Kino.
These affect your game in very different ways.

Quick Revive: This is one of the cheapest colas. But depending on your game, has different uses. If you are playing one player, and you are overwhelmed and go down, you will appear like you are in second chance, and a message will appear "Reviving Player" During this period, you will carry the guns "Mustang & Sally" This is a dual wield pistol that shoots as if it where a grenade launcher, and you can use it to clear away any zombie nearby. After this, the perk, and all other perks are gone, (Which is what usually happens when you go down anyways) and you are back in the game. Without it, when you go down, you're done. With more than one player, it simply makes it so you can revive teammates a lot faster than usual. Cost: (1 player,500- 2 or more players, 1500)

Juggernog: This is one of the most important colas. This makes you a lot stronger, and allows you to take way more damage than before. It's a must have for high levels, because without it, it's only 2 hits to take you down. Cost: 2500

Speed Cola: This is a very helpful perk, and is similar to Sleight of Hand. This makes it so whenever you reload or switch to another weapon, it's a lot faster, and can be a life saver in tough situations. It also very slightly makes you run faster. But it's not so noticeable. Cost: 3000

Double Tap Root Beer: This one increases the rate of fire on every gun exponentially, and is extremely useful for killing zombies faster, and shooting into huge gangs of zombies. It does however, waste ammo faster. So make sure your shot is dead on, as not to waste any ammo.

Mule Kick: This perk was only recently released onto all Zombie maps, and allows you to carry 3 guns. This is only available to those with an Xbox live account, but even if it is not active, the perk still appears on the map. Cost: 4000

Pack-A-Punch: This takes any weapon you have, and makes it way more powerful than before. It increases power, increases clip size and ammo rate, and in some cases attaches an underbarrel attachment. You cannot re-pack-a-punch an upgraded weapon. If you pack-a-punch a gun that you bought off of the wall, you can buy ammo for it again, by going back to the wall gun spot, and paying 4500 points. Cost: 5000 (per gun)


If you're lucky, killing a zombie will make it drop a power-up, there are many different power ups, and they all do very different things. They all float in the air, shining in gold with a green glow around it. The power up will apply to everyone playing. You can always tell if there is a power-up sitting somewhere waiting to be picked up if you hear a far-off ringing noise. If you do not pick it up within 30 seconds, it will disappear. 

Carpenter: This appears as a floating hammer in the air, and when picked up, will re-board all the windows on the map, and give everyone playing 200 points.

Insta-kill: This one is very useful, and if you get at just the right time, may just be a life-saver. It appears as a floating skull. This makes zombies one hit kill with anything. Whether it be one bullet, one knife, or even a grenade thrown at the head before it explodes. Using grenades during period, because it only lasts around a minute, and every tiny piece of shrapnel with kill all nearby zombies. It is also recommended to knife during this, because it brings in more points than just shooting.

Nuke: This appears as an atomic bomb. Grab this, and all the zombies outside of the barriers die, their heads exploding. This will give you a moment's break, but as soon as zombies come out of the barriers again, the break is over. The farther the zombies are from where the nuke was picked up, it will take a little longer for them to die, but they cannot attack. This will give everyone playing 400 points. 

Double Points: This appears as a floating "2x" and gives you double points for every hit. Having this with insta-kill is very helpful, because knifing goes from 130 points per knife to 260 points. This also affects Carpenter and Nuke, while this is in affect, Carpenter gives everyone 400 points, and Nuke gives everyone 800.

Max Ammo: This could be the most important power up. This refills all ammo, including grenades and monkey bombs, and in dire situations, is ALWAYS a life saver. 

Fire Sale: This one is LOTS of fun. This makes the mystery box appear in every spot on the map. To use the box only cost 10 points during this time. It only lasts about 30 seconds, so better get to a box quick!


There are 4 playable characters on Kino. Tank Dempsy (American), Nikolai Belinski (Russian), Takeo Masaki (Japanese) and Dr. Edward Richtofen (German)

Each of these characters have at least 2 hours of quotes that play in certain situations, you can tell who you are at the beginning of each game, based on their hands. Tank has bare hands, Nikolai has finger-less cloth gloves, Takeo has gauze binding over his hands, and Richtofen has long, black gloves that come up to his elbows. 

Each character has a certain demeanor.
Tank is very aggressive, he's violent, loves to shoot things up and talk about women. He hates Richtofen 

Nikolai is an alcoholic, and constantly talks about his vodka, almost obsessively. He also mentions his ex-wives a lot, and takes a liking for Richtofen, and hates Takeo

Takeo is mostly quite, he likes to act orderly, and talks about discipline and honor. Most of the other characters accuse him of being stale and having no sense of humor.

Richtofen is a crazy sociopath. He takes a liking to stabbing and blood, and most of his violent comments are slurred with sexual innuendo. He refers to the zombies as his minions, and he greatly enjoys the Bowie Knife and MP40.

Points are the highlight of the game, you need to be able to pay for guns and perks. Here is someone the point amounts for every kind of kill

10 points per bullet hit
10 points per knife hit
100 points per kill with guns
130 points for kill with knife
50 points for kill with any type of explosive damage.

Knifing is the best way to get points, but whatever round it is, is how many knife strikes it will take to kill a single zombie. Only use on the high rounds with insta-kill.

Mystery Box Weapons

The best way to get a good feel for your style of game play is to test out your style of weapons. Here's a few roles I like to play online with other players, or friends.

The Lead Dealer:  For this one, I usually have Jug, (Short for juggernog), double tap, speed cola, and mule kick. With these 4 perks I carry Usually 2 light machine guns with an assault rifle or sub machine gun. For example, I would have the HK21, RPK, with either the AUG, Commando, Galil- so on. This way of playing usually brings forth the most points, while the guns may not kill the zombies as fast, you get 10 points for every shot, so you're stashing points either way. You if you have enough money, it's also fun to bring in the Bowie Knife, too.

The Wonder Gunner: For this one, you would have the 4 main perks, Jug, double tap, speed, and mule. Since there are only 2 wonder weapons on the map, the Ray Gun and ThunderGun, most would carry those two along with maybe dual CZ75s or a Commando. In most cases, the thundergun is a quick get away for you and your team in a tight spot. The ray gun is used for just utter slaughter, but doesn't bring in as many points as a machine gun. ( TIP: When using the ray gun, shoot directly at their feet. The Ray Gun's rounds bounce, and may hit you, or not even kill them at all. The best way for killing is bouncing it right in front of their feet, either killing them or making them legless.)

The Medic: For this one, you will have again the same four perks. But this time, a very different weapon style. For this, you should have the Awful Lawton, (Pack-A-Punched crossbow) The Krauss Refibrillator, Monkey Bombs, and and light-weight weapon of the player's choice. Such as the Python or Commando. The AUG is good for this style of playing for it's huge power and high rate of fire. But has a low ammo count.

A good strategy is to circle the theater, dodging zombies and making them pile up in row. Once you have enough, and your back side is free, turn and walk backwards, firing as long as possible into the train of zombies.

And for longest survival, these tips can help.

1. Always, ALWAYS watch your back. You'd be surprised how fast one can come up and get you stuck, killing you in moments.

2. If you ever have a free moment, reload preemptively. This will make it so you aren't stuck doing it at a bad moment, when you could have used the ammo.

3. Max Ammo is ALWAYS worth getting. Even if you go down, someone will be able to save you, now everyone will have fully stocked guns and monkey bombs.

I'll have more tips and map strategies soon! I will also include a list of guns and their good uses and pack-a-punched versions. I intend to do strategies and walkthroughs of each COD zombie map. Stay tuned for more!  

Monday, June 4, 2012

Welcome Zombie Killers!

WELCOME! This is my Black Ops Zombies blog. I have been playing quite a long time, I have trained, I have tested, and I have pack-a-punched almost everything you can imagine! I have tips, strategies, weapon pros and cons, and videos that will be posted at this spot! Join the club, and ask any questions.