Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tower Of Babble: Achieved!

Finally, after much delay, I have finished the Tower Of Babble TranZit Easter Egg! I did the Maxis path with four people, but I've heard that Richtofen's way is a little more difficult. I'll explain how you do Maxis's path.

First, you go to the power room, and start the power. You listen to both Maxis and Richtofen, and pick which quest you'd like to do. Wait for Maxis to finish talking, and then shut the power off again. Next you want 2 people to have a turbine, and one person to retrieve the EMP grenades from the Mystery Box.  After all is had, head to the cornfields, in between Farm and Power. On the left side (when traveling via bus) will have several openings into the maze. Do not go right, the right side is Nacht Untoten.  Once in the maze, you should eventually get to a point when you're directly underneath the electrical tower, and the Denizens do not come for you anymore. This small circle is where you want to wait. It is best to do this part with a good amount of ammunition and fire power, because you may have to hold out a few rounds, like we did. Once the Thunder Storm is directly over the tower, and you kill the last zombies of the round, the Electrical Zombie will appear. 2 people must set their turbines down, and once the Electric Zombie is underneath the tower, throw an EMP grenade to kill him. Do NOT use Galvaknuckles. Once you've done this, have another 2 people (or the same people) leave and set turbines at Town, and Diner. Try to set them both at the same time. The light at Diner is right in front of the shed where you use a turbine to open the door to get a bus equipment piece. This one is easy to place a turbine in front of, because of the lack of Denizens. The Town light is in the fog, just past the building with Juggernog (the path the bus takes to get back to the Depot) It's not that far into the fog, and is before the lava. Use your mics to time the setting of the turbines together, UNDERNEATH the light posts, as close to it as possible. And, if everything is done right, you should get a notification for the Tower Of Babble Achievement! 75G! It was a lot easier than I expected, and if you get some good players in the match, you'll have it down in no time!

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