Friday, February 8, 2013

Die Rise Strategies

              For all of you playing the new map in Black Ops 2's Revolution DLC, you probably know that Die Rise is pretty hard. A lot harder than any other map that has been released (Except for maybe Nacht, but that's boring). After playing this map a LOT, I've come to find some pretty good paths for success. So lets start off in the first room. You'll probably want to stay until about round 3. I know, it makes you feel weak. I used to stay in the first room of Kino until round 6, but this map is hard. Grab a part while you're in there. There should be either the Motor, Flag, Chicken Wire, or Bellows. After you finish round 3, or halfway through it maybe, you want to buy the first door. There are also some parts in here, unless all of them were in the first room, which is highly unlikely. Do NOT take the path where you jump down the broken staircase to the SVU-AS. Buy down the escalator on the right, and buy the PDW-57. In here, you can camp out for at least 4-5 rounds, and make enough points to have maybe 7500 points. After you think you've spent enough rounds here, leave the last zombie (NOT a crawler, a crawler will die as soon as you leave the room) and walk to the very bottom of the escalator you came down from. While looking down, you can very, very slowly walk off of the edge and drop down one level. Here, there are 2 elevators (not operational unless you have the power on) and a desk for a build-able. If you have parts, you can add them here. This is where you build the Trample Steam. My previous post has the parts on how to build it. Here is also where the B23R is, but I suggest you save your money, and jump off the ledge next to the wall gun and you MUST land on the pink mattresses. You will die otherwise. After that, run into the next room, go down the ramp that is really just a collapsed ceiling, and go down another level. Run over to the right, and a straight away takes you straight to..I'm not sure. It's too large to be an elevator shaft. You just have to jump down, platform to platform. Do NOT skip any platforms. You will die. This part of the map can get unusually dark, which makes it very dangerous mid-round, unless you really know what you're doing. After jumping 2 platforms down, you'll realize that they have little side-rooms. These do not go anywhere, they just spawn zombies. But one of these little rooms has Galvaknuckles, and I strongly recommend you buy it if you have the points for it. The very bottom doesn't look like the bottom, but it is. Just drop down there, and you'll appear directly in front of the AN-94. This is probably one of the best wall guns ever added into zombies. This gun is difficult to come back to to retrieve ammunition, though lucky for us, it has a huge ammo count. After buying this, you should have the PDW-57 and the AN-94. I've found that Max Ammo is common enough not to worry too much, with an exception of super high rounds. If you have 2 people, you can camp in this room for a short while, but I suggest you leave soon, this spot can end up pretty bad in a few seconds.

    Buying into the next room is the best part. This room is usually referred to the "Upside-Down Buddha Room", for the whole room being flipped, and there is a metal carving of the Buddha on the wall. This is a FANTASTIC circle spot. You can do it several different ways, and if you're talented enough you can find lots of different ways to get out of bad situations. But this room is only a very good spot if you have Juggernog, so you'll want to move on until you can come back later. On the open side of the room, there is a concrete pillar that runs sideways over to another building. Sprint and jump to the highest level, this will make it cheaper to buy to the power. If you land on the lower level, that's fine as well, they both lead to the same place. So, buy your way through the doors until you appear in the room with all the sewing machines, and there will be the power switch. As soon as you turn it on, there should be at least one elevator that appears with a perk, most of the time it's Juggernog. If you're lucky enough to have the money, and have it appear in front of you, go ahead and buy it. You'll need it. If you wish to build the Sliquifier at this point, go right ahead. The Sliquifier does replace your gun, though. Try not to start a new round while here. This part of the building is a terrible spot to get stuck at. After you finish building or buying, wait near an elevator shaft until it's one or 2 levels below you. Once it is, jump onto it, and wait for it to take you to the top of the map. (In mid-round, it appears that the zombies will stop as soon as you get into the elevator, allowing you safe passage to the top.) At the top, there is the Claymores, Bowie Knife, and Semtex grenades. A great camp/circle spot is right behind the Dragon sign, underneath the broken walkway. This is one way of surviving to the mid-twenties. But if you buy down a level, there is the MP5, 3 elevator shafts for use whenever, and a series of cheap doors that make a PERFECT train area. You have constant ammunition from the MP5 spot, (places very conveniently) and several perks that will appear in the elevators. And if you ever need to go back through the map, run up to the top of the building, go up the ramp to the comm tower, and jump across to the room with the Desk and B23R, and start going around through the map again! So the major highlights are the Upside-Down Buddha Room, and the Room One Floor Beneath the Dragon. These two spots are the best, and each can be circled by two talented zombie killers at once.
 I hope this has helped! Check out my other posts and videos, and places your votes on the sidebar! Map of Die Rise will be posted soon!

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