Friday, July 20, 2012

Basics: "Five"

Hey, everybody! Today is my walkthrough of Black Op's Zombies "Five" map. This one is most complained about, because most cannot find a good strategy, and/or zombie-train circle. Well, that's just not true. Well, let's start off in the first room.

The first room. All players will start off in what is called the Briefing Room. There are 4 glass windows, 2 desks, and the M14. If you go into the open hallway on the side, there will be the Olympia. At first, it looks as if there are no barriers in this room for zombies to appear from, but at both ends they tear down the wall to get out. (Note: In this hallway, walk to the end of the room with the small desk. There will be a bright red phone with a flashing light. Walk next to it and hold x until you hear a slight clicking sound.) First, you should walk up to all the glass windows, and knife them, bringing them all down. Let the zombies in the first round get out, put 3-4 bullets into them and then knife. The point of letting them out of the barriers is to get a chance of Double Points, Nuke, Carpenter, anything of which can get you more points. Rebuild all the barriers after the end of the round. If you are of enough skill, you can use the same tactic from the first round for the next one. Maybe even round 3, but that is not recommended one a 4 player game. A lot more zombies come out than expected at most times.

After remaining in that room as long as possible, maybe to round 5 after buying the M14 or Olympia, move onto the next room, which is a door on the next side. Most of the doors on this map are very expensive, but this beginning one is only 750 points. This next room is not the best room. It has the MPL, but it has 4 barriers, and the barriers from the last room are so close that they pour out of that direction too. In most cases, you can buy the MPL, (And speed cola later on) last as long as possible, unlock the elevator, (1000 points) and use it to move onto the next room. (250 points)

While dropping down, you'll hear some obnoxious elevator music. When arriving, move as QUICKLY as possible out of the elevator. It is a tool of death, it's a major dead end, and I've found that at the last second when I need to escape, the X button won't work and I die. And it's not like a Teleporter either, it wont kill them. If they get in, they're in for the ride. So, walk out, sprint to the right, and buy the MP5k. The PM63 is also here, across the room. (Double Tap is also near the elevator.) But this gun has a lot less ammo, and takes you farther away from the elevator, so it's good to stick with the MP5k. Go up to all windows in an effort to keep them from coming out, shoot for their heads. This gun before round 10 makes some great headshots. You can do this for maybe 3 more rounds. After that, buy down the stairs.

This room, ladies and gentlemen, is the glory of it all. There are 3 doors here, and the Stakeout. They aren't really "Doors" They're a mashup of cones, caution tape and road blockers. But it costs 1000-1250 points to move them apparently. One of them leads to another elevator, much bigger than the last, and has a barrier in it too. But, not to yet that. This room is BEAUTIFUL. There's one door at the end of the room, and one underneath the stairs, and that's the really nice addition. The zombies run like electricity through a circuit. They take the shortest path to you. So they never go under the stairs. So that 5 feet long distance is always safe (Unless of course, you're an idiot and you just SIT there.) Going under the stairs, around to the other side, and buying that door, you can circle completely. Circle. Circle. Circle. And there's many objects to dodge around in case a zombie is coming down your path. It is, in my opinion, one of the best circle spots. It takes a little time to get it perfect, but now that you know, you MUST try it.

Moving down the bigger elevator, buy the blocking trash and go down. It is usually best to go down to the lowest level with a crawler on the floor above. It will teleport down here, but that doesn't matter. If you go down into this room while zombies are spawning, you'll get gas zombies. Which are a MAJOR pain in the ass. Most noobs think this is where they should circle and run around. But in all cases they die. And in all cases, I do not risk going down there to save them. The only path-clearing Wonder Gun is Winter's Howl, which only does some good after you've shot it a million times, so that's a no-no to rescue missions. The only thing worth going down here for is the power, and the mystery box. The box ALWAYS spawns down here. When the elevator gets to this floor, go straight, take the first left, (Or second if you've bought that door) and then the first right. The power will be there, hit it, and many teleporters will activate. The teleporters are randomized, another reason not to go down here. (NOTE: In the small room with the power, there is another red telephone. Hold x near it.) Down in the bottom floor, there is the AK-47u, M16, and Bowie Knife.

Now, going back up the elevator, to my "Comfy Spot", now, with the power turned on this 2 floor down has  Double Tap, Juggernog, and Mule Kick (Xbox Live) and 4 Defcon switches. 2 are up the stairs, and 2 are down in the circle area. Hit all of these, and then all the teleporters will link to the Pack-A-Punch room. Use any teleporter to enter it. When you do, you'll walk into the room, the wall ahead will flip to reveal the P.A.P. machine. P.a.p. what's needed, and hit the last telephone in this room to reveal the Easter Egg song, Eminem ft. Pink's 'Won't Back Down' Walk into the hallway, there will be a door with a countdown timer at the top. As soon as it gets to 1, it opens, revealing all the zombies that were patiently waiting for your return. And if you wait too long, there are 2 barriers in the pack a punch room which will start to spawn zombies, leave, and the doors will close behind you, resetting the Defcon to 1.

Pentagon Thief Rounds:

There are no dogs on this map, but on the same round spacing, the Pentagon Thief comes out. Much more cruel than any dog. The air gets grey, and a loud boom sounds. YOU MUST STAY ON THE SECOND FLOOR WITH YOUR FRIENDS. He will walk out of the teleporter. If you can see him, that means he's coming for you.  For everyone else, he's invisible. He will chase you, and take the gun you have out, and teleport you to the power room. Follow him. He is now visible to everyone. Everyone must shoot at him. The goal is for the person being chased to get on top of the stairs, and run the full circle. His teammates run the opposite direction, and when they collide, the team must move for him to keep running, and everyone must shoot the Pentagon thief. Kill him, you'll get Max Ammo and all of your guns back. He will always drop   a max ammo at the power room if you cannot kill him. If you can kill him BEFORE he gets a gun, he'll drop Max Ammo and BonFire Sale. Which switches all the Defcons to P.A.P. and then becomes a mere 1000 points. But this is very difficult. Good Luck.

This map, and most maps after it, have a special power-up drop. This is Death Machine. This gives you a mini-gun for 30 seconds with no reloading or stopping. It appears blue, and is floating bullets. It can be fired non-stop until it goes away. During this time, you cannot throw grenades, or revive teammates.

On this map, you can play as either John F. Kennedy, McNamara, Nixon, or Fidel Castro. My personal favorite is Fidel, of course. They all appear bare-handed like Tank Dempsy.

This concludes my walk-through. Just continue to circle, to whatever end. It takes a lot of practice, and the circle area does have room for more people. Hope this gives you new light on your "Much hated map" I will continue to post more tips and strategies to my page, please be sure to check it out every week or so! Your help is greatly appreciated. Good Zombie Hunting.

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