Sunday, December 2, 2012

TranZit Tools: Pack-A-Punch!

TranZit is a lot of fun, now that Zombies has been created into a Multi-Task, open-world game. Though I bet it can be VERY annoying for some who are new to it and want some extra fire-power. P.A.P. is harder to get to solo, so Co-Op help is definitely suggested. Start off, you need a Turbine, (buildable in the first room) 1st: Leave a crawler. 2nd:  Turn on the power. Now. You all know how to get into the power room. You buy the Outhouse with the Ak74u on the side, and drop down. Behind you should be a green door with a high-voltage sign. You need to put a turbine right in front of this door. It will not open, but then you get into the bus, (Or walk) and get to the Town. Now, in the bank is a vault door. Use any kind of explosive to get into it. Inside is the bank drawers. {You can put in points to be stored there. These points WILL stay forever. Though if you store them in a non-xbox live game, they will not be saved. You can put in a thousand at a time, but there's a 100 point fee for pulling it back out again.} Go back to the Vault door in this room, blow it up the same way as the first. IF the Turbine is at the power station door still, the inside will be open, with stairs leading down to a hallway. The hall will make a left, and a work desk will be at the end of the hall. There's only 3 parts, and they're all in this hallway. There's the top of it, the big blue piece with Pack-A-Punch sign. Then there's the bottom, a wood plank with some metal wheels. And then a Car battery laying around. They're all very easy to find. A minute of searching and the P.A.P. machine is ready! You can pop in any gun you so please. Though after you start the new round, the turbine will be destroyed, and you will have to re-do the whole opening process. Not the building of the machine.

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