Friday, December 14, 2012

Zombie Ranking

The new Zombies mode for Black Ops 2 has a lot more improvements, along with the "Levels", almost like the Multi-Player levels. The level is named the amount of scores next to the image of a skill, sometimes lit with blue eyes. I am unaware of what brings the blue eyes. There is a shield that appears behind the skull, changing with each level. I am currently at the same level as a friend, yet my shielded background is different. I believe the next level with the wooden knife is gained when one has built all tool in one game. This is not proven of course, but based off of the hand-made look of the knife I would figure it is almost like a boy scout badge. The last is a huge, spike studded shield. I don't even know how you get that. You would have to be very impressive to do get it. That's my goal. That shield. I'm going to finish the Tower of Babble Easter Egg, and see what that does to my ranking. And I've found that TranZit is exponentially easier with fewer people, rounds pass simply, points are made easier, and the Mystery Box doesn't seem to be as cruel. In this game, I've found the Box is horrible for giving you worthless weapons. NukeTown Zombies was supposed to be release the 12th, but unfortunately it was only for Season Pass holders. I want this map, mainly for the different style, and the other LMG, the LSAT. I much enjoy this one in Multi-Player, and in Zombies I believe this would work very effectively. With the HAMR and the LSAT together, circling zombies and mowing them down would be very easy, and the massive amount of ammunition would last until a Max Ammo Power-Up.

Another thing I'd like to say. In the last week, I've gained 2000 views. I thank you ALL so much for reading my thoughts. I'm hoping to post my own content soon, such as videos, and images. I have taken a screenshot of one of my Grief games, which I think is perfect for a new, updated background. For all my loyal readers, I ask you to please like my FaceBook page, BlackOpsZombiesPro (Click to visit) Here, I post more frequently, and will post more images, and will soon post my YouTube page for my videos. Thank you all so much, new posts soon.

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